Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hello world, we're back.

A year sure goes quick!! 2016 was an amazing year for us, we were blessed with many adventues from California to Hawaii, to welcoming a sweet baby girl. We gained another family member when Trey and Becky finally tied the knot! We also had to say goodbye to my Grandpa Anderson, which I feel so blessed to not only have known him, but to be able to call him my Grandpa. He was an incredible man, we will miss him dearly.

So much has changed since my last post. So much. Max is not a baby by any stretch of the imagination, he is a full blown toddler/little boy. He goes full speed all day, and only stops to rest when he is, well, sleeping. Most days I feel like I am in a race, I have no idea what or who I am racing against, but I know I must stay in the front so I don't drown, or our world might implode. It makes me laugh when I catch myself being frantic for no reason, but that's life with a 2 year old and a newborn. Straight crazy. But I tell you, I wouldn't change one minute of it. Being his mom I know I am biased- extremely biased- but, he is so smart and catches on to everything! He knows all his colors, his shapes, can count, is a master negotiator, talks so well, and will ask me everyday if he can go to school, or work becuase he needs to, "make some deals". Did I mention he is a master negotiator?
Max loves to be outside, loves to play with his friends, and adores any sport with a ball, he also has a minor, okay fine, MAJOR obsession with Daniel Tiger, and is the biggest helper. I don't know what I would do without this kid, he keeps me on my toes everyday and has heightened my spy skills immensely! I mean, if we are being honest, most days I feel like I have to save his life at some point. For example, he is currently stringing a cord through my desk while trying to hold his body weight with it, OH, and...he just whacked his head (you can nominate me for parent of the year later). But that's Max and that's how we love him.

Mike and I are still trying to figure out life with two kids. It's really an ongoing lesson we have discovered.
We were able to finish our basement last month which was quite the project. May I suggest, never ever...ever finish a basement, redecorate a house, and create a nursery simultaneously, while pregnant. It's essentially a recipe for a complete and total meltdown. I am talking a two year old style meltdown. But hey, we all made it out alive, and were able to host my family from Minnesota for Thanksgiving. Which was AMAZING! Now, if I can just figure out how to get them here permanently...

And our biggest change this year, the birth of Saylor Kate. Our dream of a baby girl. She came in like a thief in the night, or as we like to say, like a wrecking ball (I hope you sang that like I just did) and was delievered within 10 minutes of walking in the front foor of the hospital. She has captured all our hearts, including her brother's. The two of them together quite possibly could make my heart burst with love at any given second. You always hear people say their hearts grow with each child, well I am here to tell you, they weren't kidding. Just when you think you have maxed out on the love meter, nope, there is an entire new space that opens up and it's incredible. She was a tiny nugget coming to us at 6.1 lbs, but she has quickly learned she loves food as much as her parents and is becoming quite the chub, I love it! I am going to write her birth story here before I forget, so I'll go into more details about this sweet little babe later, stay tuned. Until then, here are some a ton photos from 2016 to bring us all up to speed! And don't judge me, I have no idea what I am doing on here on this blog so the photos are not organized at all! Like I said before, it's crazy here at the Migliorinis!



Max 18 month photos 

First time at the Dentist 

Baby #2 coming! 

Walla Wall, Washington 

Maui 2016  



Max Turns Two!!!

4th of July 

Max's 2 year old photos

Utah State Fair with nan

                                 Grandpa's Funeral


Happy Halloween!

Happy Thanksgiving! 
